Basically, a mangalsutra refers to a traditional Indian necklace that a girl gets at her wedding. She wears it as long as she is married. But there is much more than just being a necklace.

An Indian girl wears many adornments, which indicate that she is married now. These include the mangalsutra, toe rings, glass bangles, a red bindi on the forehead besides sindoor, which is red powder in the hair. All these are indications that she enjoys a higher status in the society as she is now an adult and capable of running a household. Wearing of the mangalsutra in an Indian wedding is a highly auspicious ritual. No Indian wedding can be complete without performing this ritual.

The word has been derived from two words. Mangal means holy and sutra means thread. The mangalsutra is a holy thread that the groom ties around the bride’s neck at the time of marriage. She wears it till her husband is alive or till she is married to him.

The mangalsutra is an indication that the groom accepts the bride as his wife. It denotes that they will follow a life full of love, trust as well as commitment towards each other. This is a way for the groom to enhance the status of the bride and make her his life partner.

Mangalsutra Variations

Since India is a highly diversified country, hence the mangalsutra too is worn in different ways. Traditionally, it used to be a cotton thread dipped in turmeric paste that was tied around the bride’s neck by using three knots. While the first knot was generally tied around by the groom, the other two were tied by the groom’s sisters. This ceremony takes place while the priest is chanting Vedic hymns and in the presence of invited wedding guests.

Later on, this yellow thread is replaced with a necklace made of gold beads and black beads along with a heavy gold pendant. The design of the gold pendant is decided by the groom’s family depending on their customs. This replacement is done on an auspicious day in the presence of elders and while chanting Vedic hymns.
In the southern states of India, the mangalsutra is known as “thally” or “mangalyam.” On the other hand, in the northern states of India, it is known as the mangalsutra.

The mangalsutra is considered to have divine powers. Each of the black beads is considered to be able to ward off evil powers and protect the couple, especially the husband. This is why the woman would never take it off. In case the mangalsutra gets lost or is broken, it is considered to be very inauspicious.

In different states and religions, the design of the mangalsutra varies. In the western state of Maharashtra, there will always be one or two vati in the pendant. The Gujaratis as well as the Marwaris like to opt for a diamond pendant. In Bengal, corals will be incorporated into the mangalsutra design. But in the modern scenario, the mangalsutra has become more of a fashion statement.