The popular tourist destination of Ibiza Spain is a busy, exciting cruise destination with plenty to see. The island has plenty of low-cost transportation options to get you to your destinations along with shuttles offered by the cruise ships.

The cruise ships that stay overnight in port give you a chance to experience the vibrant nightlife. There are several pubs and bars to enjoy with several festivals going on throughout the year. There’s plenty of entertainment when the sun goes down in Ibiza. Angelo’s Bar and The Rock bar are both exciting places to be with many tourists flocking to these spots.

Storm the Castle

Ibiza Castle also is known as Castell de Eivissa is an amazing destination that is worth the distance. Ibiza Castle is situated at the summit of Puig de Vila. The castle has 12 towers and dates back to the 12th century. There is a lot of history here, with several medieval buildings still standing. The viewpoints from the castle are stunning and give you a view of the whole city.

Once you head back down into town from the summit of Puig de Vila, the historic port district has plenty of restaurants and shopping. There are quiet parks and even an open-air cinema to enjoy. This is a great area to just wander around.

Nearby is the Puig des Molins. An ancient tomb consisting of an archaeological site and museum. Some of the pieces in the museum date back to 1235 AD. There is plenty of history surrounding this ancient tomb, and several viewpoints that overlook the city.

Find a cruise that stops in Ibiza.