Just what are the nine rasas (also known as Navarasa) of Indian culture? Is it yoga, is it a religion, is it a combination? The English translation from Sanskrit for Nava is “nine.” For Rasa, it translates to many things, though the general definition, and most common meaning is “emotional state.” In the Indian culture, rasa is everything, the unseeable force or belief that gives everything its meaning.

Human Emotions

In both basic and Tantric yoga, these nine rasas are considered the essence of all human emotions, and the power from which your life force, or Prana, comes from.

These are the nine rasas

1. Sringara – This is love, connects us to beauty, healing and divinity.

2. Hasya – This is joy, sense of humor, laughter and enjoyment.

3. Adhuta – This is wonder, curiosity, and fascination with life.

4. Vira – This is courage, bravery, confidence and self esteem.

5. Shanta – This is peace, calmness and relaxation.

6. Karuna – This is compassion, empathy and the ability to feel and console other’s sadness.

7. Raudra – This is anger which can lead to resentment, irritation and possibly the inability to move forward.

8. Bhayanaka – This is fear, worry, doubt and insecurity.

9. Vibhasta – This is disgust, self pity, self loathing and hatred.